Elevation sounds intriguing and we automatically indulge in all of the pleasing and pleasurable attributes of elevation. We often hear “Elevation means you’re going higher. Things are getting better. You’re on your way up.” Now all of these things are true but there’s a breathtaking reality in the concept of elevation that many of us try to avoid. You cannot go higher without getting lighter.

Elevation usually means that there will be elimination. Elimination of things that no longer take up space in your life, people who mean you no good, things that you were connected to that controlled you, and the list goes on. What I find interesting is that we usually know and understand that certain things have to be put to rest before we go any further but we struggle with actually doing it. This struggle stems from something I would call dependency. Dependency is a direct conduit of comfortability. When we get too comfortable, we become dependent and that dependency keeps us from elevating to a place far greater than where we currently are.

When I decided that I was going to write my first self published book, I had to make the decision to eliminate some things. I couldn’t hang out as much, I had to get more into my word, I had to sacrifice sleep, I had to stop talking on the phone as much and I had to hone in on what was given to me so that it could be cultivated and manifested in its greatest form. Just like me, there are some ideas you have. There are some dreams you are holding near and dear to your heart. What makes you any different than me? Why can’t you do it? Why can’t you create it? Why can’t you develop it? If it exists in your mind, it has the potential go from an intangible to a tangible based on your capacity.

So you may wonder how you need to go about eliminating so you can elevate. Here are a few questions that you should ask yourself:

1. What is that I’m truly passionate about?

2. What is required of me to do what I say I want to do?

3. What are limitations and blockages that get in the way and distract me?

4. How intentional am I about working towards my goals and getting where I need to be?

After answering those questions there are few things you should do:

1. Assess your relationships

2. Self-reflect and correct

3. Purge yourself from all negativity

4. Shift the paradigm of your thinking

My prayer is that while reading this there is something ignited in you to truly pursue your dreams and goals and understand the concept of elevation. Everyone wants to win, be great and get ahead but are you willing to do the work required to get there? Are you willing to even deny yourself to get there? You have to be relentless when it comes to elevation because of the things that are working against you in your purpose. Don’t cry over what is loss but anticipate what will be added because of the space you’ve made!  This is what it takes when you’re talking about elevating!