Have you ever been up against something you thought you'd never get through? Have you ever been fighting and felt like you'd never win? In life we are faced with opposition and our perspective plays a huge part in the outcome of it all. It is in our nature to become detached and pull away when we are going through. It's easy to accept defeat and allow our circumstances to swallow us up.

You may be going through things and you may feel like there's no end to the madness in your life but one shift in thought could turn your whole problem around. Over the past year many of you know I've been in serious transition and in the beginning it was taking a toll on me. I felt like a failure, I was disappointed, and I felt like I let everyone down. It wasn't until I picked myself up and realized that God had me in that position for a reason that things started to change. I had to literally train myself to speak peace and restoration over my life and my situation. It was amazing to me how quickly things shifted once my perspective changed.

As people, I don't think we understand the power of words and how powerful our statements are. You literally have the ability to speak yourself out of what you're going through but you have to have a renewed perspective for it to be effective. You have to be careful of people who will try to make being the victim ok. It's okay to dwell for a moment in time but after that there's a shifting that must occur. I find it interesting that we tend to accept defeat and failure so easily. We unknowingly create scenarios in our minds that go against everything we know to be true about ourselves. 

Being the victim allows for defeat, negativity, low self esteem, and all of those adverse emotions to set in and consume you. Being the victor allows for you to be triumphant and speak positivity and peace in the midst of confusion. So today don't allow your circumstances or situation to consume you in a way that allows for negativity to set in. I encourage you to change your perspective and watch your situation change. Know that you're equipped to handle and deal with everything you've been faced with but your thought process and the way you go about things is what makes the difference. Pay attention to the words you speak today. I challenge you to write down every negative word you say and replace it with a word that’s affirming. Simple things like this bring about awareness, which is key for change.